A Circle of Sisters

A Circle of Sisters

Music for Women, Submitted Music (1998-2006)

We’re a circle of sisters, a circle of light that shines in the darkness and touches each life

A circle that blesses each family and home, that satisfies hunger, where no one’s alone.


Where ever we’re standing a sister is near. Take courage, be faithful, there’s no need to fear.

Devoted to duty, all joined in one cause, we stand in a circle of kindness and love.


The circle unites us, there’s no start, there’s no end; we stand in a circle surrounded by friends.

Our strength is in union; we stand arm in arm, a circle of sisters protected from harm.


We’re a circle of safety, a wall against sin. The Lord is our center, our eyes look to Him.

Sustaining the priesthood and blessing the poor, embracing the lonely, resolved to do more,

in perfect communion we each find a place, a circle of sisters united by faith.


The circle unites us, there’s no start, there’s no end; we stand in a circle surrounded by friends.

The circle unites us. Together we stand, a circle of sisters where love never ends.

Text: Gary Croxall

Music: Kathleen Holyoak

Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Composition Date: 2002

More Info: CMS 2002


Womenhood, Blessings, Strength