A Daughter of My Heavenly Father

A Daughter of My Heavenly Father

Young Women Selected Songs: A Song of the Heart

1. I have come from our Father’s kingdom,

In view of our Father’s throne,

But my mem’ries are forgotten,

I walk here by faith alone.

I will learn of his truths through scripture,

The words that his prophets speak;

I will seek to obey all his precepts,

Growing strong where I might be weak.


2. I have come from our Father’s kingdom

To taste of mortality.

As my Heav’nly Father’s daughter,

I’ll learn all he asks of me,

I will know of the sweet  through bitter;

From losses I’ll value gain;

Through my fears I’ll develop more courage,

Knowing joy by suff’ring of pain


3. I have come from our Father’s kingdom;

I know that he loves me still,

I am special to Heav’nly Father,

With freedom to do his will.

He has given this freedom to me;

He wants me to learn to live

To return to his heavenly kingdom

And the blessings he has to give.

Text: Joyce Jensen

Music: Iris Schow


Young Women, Women, daughter, blessing, gospel, spirituality