A Miracle is Born

A Miracle is Born

Music for Choirs, Submitted Music (2007-2011)

On a silent, holy night a star shines bright, and reveals the time long foretold is come.

For, as the earth grows still, God’s promise is fulfilled.  With His love, He sends us His Son.

Mary wraps her newborn babe in swaddling bands, knowing He’s God’s Only Begotten Son.

She whispers in His ear her joy that He is here and declares a miracle is born.

She knows salvation is come in God’s Holy Son.

His birth that heav’n proclaims leaves earth forever changed.  On this night a miracle is born.


Rev’rence fills each heart as holy angels sing, praising God on high for His gift of love.

Their heartfelt hymns declare God hears and answers prayer.  For our sake, He sends us His Son.

Shepherds humbly kneel beside His manger bed and behold the symbol of God’s pure love.

This babe the earth receives brings hope to all that breathe.  On this night a miracle is born.

They know salvation is come in God’s Holy Son.

His birth that heav’n proclaims leaves earth forever changed.

On this night a miracle is born to raise our souls to heav’n.

Text: Raymond D. Cook

Music: Raymond D. Cook

Album: Submitted Music (2007-2011)

Composition Date: 2008

More Info: CMS 2008

