A Sister's Prayer

A Sister's Prayer

Music for Women, Submitted Music (2012-present)

As I ask the Lord for guidance in my daily prayers,

He will lead me to the one whose burden I may share.

When my heart is tuned to hear the still, small voice each day.

Heaven then can bless me with the things for which I pray.


Bless my eyes to see with understanding

When someone needs help that I can give

Help me Lord, to feel my soul expanding

To be more like thee each day I live.


Bless my heart to act in true compassion,

Sharing love that fills another’s need

Help me feel the Spirit’s inspiration

And be more like thee in word and deed.


Heav’nly Father loves us all and guides us from above.

But we’re the caring hands through which His children feel His love.

When I’m feeling weak, and pray for strength beyond my own,

He will prompt my willing heart, I never walk alone.


Bless my hands to reach in consolation

To the one who has a heavy heart

Lord, please hear my humble supplication:

Help me learn the gentle healer’s art.


Bless my voice in every conversation

Let me speak with peaceful, loving words

Help me serve with quiet consecration

That through me, thine own voice may heard

That through me, thine own voice may heard

Text: Janice Kapp Perry

Music: Janice Kapp Perry

Album: Submitted Music (2012-present)

Composition Date: 2013

More Info: CMS 2013


Sisterhood, Charity, Love