A Young Woman of Virtue

A Young Woman of Virtue

Music for Youth, Solos to Sing, Submitted Music (2007-2011)

Can you find a young woman of virtue?

Can you tell by the light in her eyes?

She shines with a polish as find as pure gold,

Or rubies or diamonds or stars in the skies.

Can you find a young woman of virtue?

Can you tell by the joy on her face?

She speaks with refinement and gentle intent,

And always treats others with beauty and grace.


She knows who she is as a daughter of God.

She trusts in His plan and His word.

Pure and refined, soul, heart and mind,

She’s steadfast and true with her values assured.


Can you find a young woman of virtue?

Can you tell by the way she appears?

So modestly beautiful, tasteful and clean,

Setting a standard for all of her peers.

Can you find a young woman of virtue?

Can you tell by her kind, caring ways?

She serves with a loving compassionate heart

and lifts others just by the way she behaves.


Can you find a young woman of virtue?

Can you tell by her courage and might?

She knows who she is as a daughter of God,

Her values are sure, noble and pure,

She shines to the world her Savior’s light.

Text: Annette W. Dickman

Music: Annette W. Dickman

Album: Submitted Music (2007-2011)

Composition Date: 2010

More Info: CMS 2010


Virtue, Truth, Example