An Angel with the Trump of God

An Angel with the Trump of God

Music for Choirs, Submitted Music (2012-present)

An angel with the trump of God proclaims the truth restored.

His golden image stands a top the temple of the Lord.

By faith an ancient prophet saw this mighty angel fly.

It was the great Moroni who had lived in days gone by.


In life, Moroni walked alone and wandered place to place.

He witnessed the destruction of the fallen Nephite race

‘Til he alone remained to write the tale of their sad fate.

Yet he was comforted, and talked with Jesus face to face.


Moroni was entrusted with the ancient plates of gold

The voice that spoke as from the dust as prophets had foretold.

He hid the records in the earth according to God’s will.

The truth lay sealed for centuries within Cumorah’s Hill.


In glorious resurrected form Moroni has returned,

Appearing at the bedside of a boy who was unlearned.

The messenger was brilliant and his robe exquisite white.

He taught the youthful prophet of the truth he’d bring to light.

Text: Bonnie Hart Murray

Music: Janice Kapp Perry

Album: Submitted Music (2012-present)

Composition Date: 2013

More Info: CMS 2013


Restoration of Gospel, Moroni, Truth, Book of Mormon, Prophets