As Mothers, As Daughters of Heavenly Father (Perry)

As Mothers, As Daughters of Heavenly Father (Perry)

Music for Women, Submitted Music (1998-2006)

As mothers, as daughters of Heavenly Father,

We come to the earth on an errand of  love.

How grand is our mission, divine our commission

to care for each soul that He sends from above.


Through children we share in the work of creation;

As partners with God we are never alone.

His angels beside us, the Father will guide us

And send us His spirit to dwell in our home.


A warm loaf of bread, or a talk by the fire-side,

Or tears for the grief only sisters can share…

With hearts and with hands we will lift one another

And help with the burdens that each of us bears.


We gather in love, in the circle eternal,

We quietly kneel with our fam’ly each day.

As children of Father, as mothers and daughters,

We feel Him embrace us—He speaks as we pray.


As mothers, as daughters of Heavenly Father,

We come to the earth on an errand of love.

Text: John V. Pearson

Music: Janice Kapp Perry

Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Composition Date: 1999

More Info: CMS 1999


Women of God, Testimony, Love