Bread of Life, Living Water

Bread of Life, Living Water

Music for Choirs, Submitted Music (2012-present)

Jesus offered up His body on the cross in bitter pain.

Freely He gave up His life so that we might live again.


Bread of Life, Living Water, Feed my soul, fill my heart.

Give to me new life in Thee, and make me whole,

complete and holy, bound to Thee eternally.


In the garden, Jesus suffered every sin and every woe.

Bleeding drops from every pore, so we could forgiveness know.


Bread of Life, Living Water, Feed my soul, fill my heart.

Give to me new life in Thee, and make me whole,

complete and holy, bound to Thee eternally.


Now I come before the altar, off’ring up my broken heart,

Seeking for the blessed gifts His Atonement can impart.


Bread of Life, Living Water, Feed my soul, fill my heart.

Give to me new life in Thee, and make me whole,

complete and holy, bound to Thee eternally.

Text: Annette W. Dickman

Music: Annette W. Dickman

Album: Submitted Music (2012-present)

Composition Date: 2013

More Info: CMS 2013


Sacrament, Sacrifice, Comforter