Children All Over the World

Children All Over the World

Music from the Friend

All over the world at the end of day
Heavenly Father’s children kneel down and pray,
Each saying thank you in his own special way,
Saying thank you, thank you in his own special way

Gracias, malo, wir danken dir,
All over the world tender voices hear.
Some say tak, others merci,

Okansha shimasu, we thank thee.
Our Heavenly Father hears them,
He understands each tongue.
Our Heavenly Father knows them,
He loves them, loves them, everyone.

Non-English words for thank you

French—merci (mare-see)

Spanish—gracias (graw-see-aws)

Tongan—malo (maw-low)

German—wir danken dir (veer dawn-ken deer)

Danish—tak (talk)

Text: Peggy Ryskamp

Music: Beth Stratton

Artist: Ryskamp/Stratton

Album: Music Published in the Church Magazines: Friend

Composition Date: 1975-11-01

More Info: Friend


Prayer, world, gratitude, diversity