Con la Fe de Alma y Nefi (With the Faith of Alma and Nephi)

Con la Fe de Alma y Nefi (With the Faith of Alma and Nephi)

Music for Choirs, Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Con la fe de Alma y Nefi, conficamos en el Senor.

El nos llamo y nosmando, sirvamosle con fervor.

Si dificil fuere la via El nos preparara.

Mas con valor y con amor podemos triunfar.


Con Ammon y Aaron avancemos cada alma a buscar

Yen el nombre del Senor las salvacion declarer.

Ni hambre, ni sed ni fatiga nos pueden derroter.

Mas con valor y con amor podemos triunfar.


Como Nefi y Lehi hablemos con poder y autoridad

Hasta convencer y convertir al pueblo a la verdad.

Que angeles les ministren en llamas de fulgor!

Que nazcan del Espiritu y sigan al Senor!


Somos hijos de santos profetas quienes vieron al Salvador

Y por su fe y por amor establecieron Sion.

Hermanos hagamos lo mismo de todo Corazon.

Vivir en paz y anhelar el dia del Senor.


(English Translation)

With the faith of Alma and Nephi we haste to serve the Lord.

He’s called us to His mighty work and given us His Word.

Lo, the field is ready to harvest! We do not dare delay.

The work is hard, but Christ the Lord will strengthen us today.


Like Ammon and Aaron before us we seek out ev’ry soul.

We teach them that salvation comes through Jesus Christ the Lord.

We suffer fatigue, thirst and hunger, rejoicing in His cause.

With all our might we sacrifice to triumph with our God.


With Nephi and Lehi beside us, we preach to all we see

With power and authority, convincing them to believe.

May angels come in glory with heaven’s cleansing flame

To those who would be born again and call on Jesus’ name.


We’re the children of saints and of prophets who saw the Savior come,

Who joined their hearts, and joined their souls to build up Zion as one.

How glorious the priv’lege before us.  Be valiant in the cause.

For we shall build a place of peace where we shall greet our God

Text: John V. Pearson

Music: Janice Kapp Perry

Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Composition Date: 2004

More Info: CMS 2004


Faith, Faithfulness, Trust