Draw Near (Holyoak)

Draw Near (Holyoak)

Music for Women, Submitted Music (2007-2011)

Master, can it be Thou?
Art Thou the same that died upon the cross?
Master, I knew not how to bear the burden when I thought thee lost
Oh, how my heart rejoiced to see Thee once again,
to know Thee, Lord and Savior of all men!
Draw near to me, my Lord, for all my sins atone.
Unto Thee, Lord, I come and ask to be Thine own.
Draw near to me, my Lord, I know I’m not alone,
My Lord, with Thee. Draw near, draw near to me.
Dear child, come unto me. I have atoned and paid the price of sin.
Dear one, come and believe. My sacrifice will cleanse thy soul within.
Oh, how my heart rejoices to see thee once again,
My love for thee will never know an end.
Draw near to me, my arms extend to thee.
Thou art free, child, wilt thou not rise and come to me?
Dear one, I’ve paid the price.
Behold my hands and feet.
At home with me, you will always be.
Arise, draw near to me.

Text: Kelly Jarvis

Music: Kathleen Holyoak

Album: Submitted Music (2007-2011)

Composition Date: 2011

More Info: CMS 2011


Devotion, Testimony, Love