Experiment Upon the Word (Dickman)

Experiment Upon the Word (Dickman)

Solos to Sing, Submitted Music (1992-1997)

Do you want to know your Savior?

Do you want to feel peace?

Do you want to find joy?

Do you want to now truth,

And a love that lasts forever?

Plant in faith and let it grow.


The seed to plant is the word of God

which will swell with in your heart.

Then nourish it patiently

Study and pray, and an understanding will start

The word will fill a waiting heart with goodness, love and light

Until it becomes a great tree springing up to everlasting life.


It begins to grow, it begins to be delicious,

It enlightens my mind, it enlarges my soul

I am finding the truth and a love that lasts forever!

Plant a seed in faith the word of God and let it grow.


Do you want to believe?

Do you want to know your Savior?

Do you want to feel peace?

Do you want to find joy?

Do you want to find truth

And a love that lasts forever?

Plant a seed in faith

the word of God and let it grow.

Text: Annette W. Dickman

Music: Annette W. Dickman

Album: Submitted Music (1992-1997)

Composition Date: 1995

More Info: CMS 1995


Belief, Faith, Testimony