Father, I Thank Thee (Hann)

Father, I Thank Thee (Hann)

Music for Children, Submitted Music (1992-1997)

Father, I thank Thee for all that I have;

For all the blessings thou givest.

Wilt thou help me to know

How I can show my gratitude and my love.


Help me to strive ev’ry day to be a disciple of Jesus.

Help me be aware how I can share His goodness and His love.


For where much is given, much is required;

And much has been given me.

I’ll live in Thy light: I’ll choose to do right;

I’ll serve Thee faithfully.

I will serve Thee each day.

Walk in Thy way, Abide in Thy light and love.

Text: Tamara S. Hann

Music: Tamara S. Hann

Album: Submitted Music (1992-1997)

Composition Date: 1995

More Info: CMS 1995


Gratitude, Prayer, Blessings