God Did Provide Himself a Lamb (Oaks)

God Did Provide Himself a Lamb (Oaks)

Submitted Hymn Texts, Submitted Music (1998-2006)

God did provide himself a Lamb,

To sacrifice and pay sin’s price.

For him there was no waiting ram

In thicket by, nor angel nigh

To spare the Son he sent to die.


For Christ was destined to atone,

And so he came our souls to claim.

He trod the grapes of wrath alone

For one and all, the great and small,

To save them freely from the Fall.


Then what of pains that come my way

As passing years bring trials and tears?

They are but shadows born of clay

That fade and flee, and I shall see

Their happy harvest come to me.


Shall I sit down with Abraham

Who met the test of God’s behest

To offer his most precious lamb,

If I withhold, should I be told

To sacrifice of my own fold?

Text: Rodney Turner

Music: Anna Oaks

Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Composition Date: 2000

More Info: CMS 2000


Atonement, Jesus Christ, Love