God's Kingdom is Restored

God's Kingdom is Restored

Submitted Hymn Texts, Submitted Music (1998-2006)

God’s Kingdom is restored in these, the Latter Days!

Lo! Zion, in her splendor shines; ‘tis beauty to our gaze.


His angels have returned, proclaiming every word

Of knowledge lost but now restored-their voices once more heard.


The walls of Zion rise ‘midst rubble from the past-

O zion, refuge from the world, forever may she last!


As one our hearts have turned to hear the angels’ song,

And in support of Zion’s cause we ever will stand strong.

Text: Bruce T. Forbes

Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Composition Date: 2006

More Info: CMS 2006


Restoration, Kingdom of God, Prophets