Halleluiah Sing (Woodbury)
Music for Choirs, Submitted Music (1992-1997)
A fragrant gentle zephyr rustles bush and palm
And flows through sultry stable, a soothing cooling balm
Discreetly, sweetly stealing, it lulls the newborn king
While hosts of heaven’s angels halleluia sing.
Halleluia, halleluia, halleluia sing!
Hosts of heaven’s angels proclaim the holy king.
The gentle zephyr freshens, and blowing o’er the plains.
It brings to humble shepherds angels’ joyous strains:
“Rejoice ye,” sang the angels, “Tonight the king of kings
Is born in lowly manger. Halleluias sing!”
Halleluia, halleluia, halleluia sing!
Blessed Savior comes to earth, eternal life he brings.
His loving, gentle gospel, a soothing, healing balm,
Ere flows to heavy laden, bestowing peace and calm,
And softly reassuring, his peace to faithful bring,
The Savior’s glorious gospel, let halleluia ring!
Halleluia, halleluia, halleluia sing!
Glorious, radiant gospel, the ever flowing spring. Amen
Text: Darwin Wolford
Music: J. Walter Woodbury
Album: Submitted Music (1992-1997)
Composition Date: 1993
More Info: CMS 1993