He Lives! He Lives!

He Lives! He Lives!

Submitted Hymn Texts, Submitted Music (2012-present)

The Sun, in glory, rose that day

When women heard the angels say:

“The Lord is risen from the tomb!”

And thus dispelled death’s awful gloom.


He lives! He lives! O wondrous sound!

The Son of God could not be bound!

He lives! He lives! Let all rejoice!

And sing aloud with heart and voice!


“Why seek the living ‘mong the dead?

Remember what the Lord hath aid:

‘Once crucified by sinful men,

When three days pass, I’ll rise again.”\

He lives! He lives! O wondrous sound!

The Son of God could not be bound!

He lives! He lives! Let all rejoice!

And sing aloud with heart and voice!


“Ye men of Galilean birth,

Why gaze ye heavenward form earth?

This Jesus taken up from thee

Shall come again just as ye see.”


He lives! He lives! O wondrous sound!

The Son of God could not be bound!

He lives again! And so will we!

When He returns for all to see!

Text: Gerrit van Dyk

Album: Submitted Music (2012-present)

Composition Date: 2013

More Info: CMS 2013


Testimony, Jesus Christ, Resurrection