Holy Temples Ever Rising (Manookin)

Holy Temples Ever Rising (Manookin)

Music for Choirs, Submitted Music (1992-1997)

Holy temples ever rising

In the east and in the west

Shout to all the invitation:

Enter in and here be blessed!

Here be given sacred knowledge;

Here be taught celestial lore:

Light to show the open pathway

Up to Heaven’s beck’ning door.


Holy temples ever rising

In the north and in the south

Let us hear divine instruction –

Guidance from our Savior’s mouth!

Here we feel the breath of angels;

Here we’re warm’d by Heaven’s fires;

Here we find the rich fulfillment

Of our holiest desires!


Holy temples ever rising

In the islands of the sea

Lift a beacon to the nations:

Here be blessed eternally!

Here be freed of wars and tumults;

Here let enmities all cease!

Here be heal’d by our Messiah,

In one long Millennial peace!

Text: Nadia Dickson

Music: Robert P. Manookin

Album: Submitted Music (1992-1997)

Composition Date: 1992

More Info: CMS 1992


Temples, Latter-days, Words of Eternal Life