I Heard the Prophet
1. I heard the prophet speak:
“The time has come to stand.”
To keep the faith with courage,
do good with heart and hand.
Do good with heart and hand.
Yes, I will follow the prophet.
I have no need to fear;
for as I follow the prophet,
I can feel the Savior near.
2. I heard the prophet speak.
And peace has filled my heart.
The kingdom’s moving forward;
I’ll stand and do my part.
I’ll stand and do my part.
3. I heard the prophet speak,
with blessings on us all,
that as we walk in faith,
the Lord will hear our call.
The Lord will hear our call.
Text: Carol Lynn Pearson
Music: Janice Kapp Perry
Artist: Pearson/Perry
Album: Music Published in the Church Magazines: Friend
Composition Date: 2012-10-01
More Info: Friend