I Like to Listen to the Prophet (Gatrell)

I Like to Listen to the Prophet (Gatrell)

Music for Children, Submitted Music (1992-1997)

I like to listen to the prophet.

His words are good and true.

When he speaks, he always tells me just what I should do.

I see love shining like the Saviour’s,

In his face for me and you.

He cares for each one of God’s children.

Like Christ, he loves me, too.


He wants us all to live the way to be with God once more.

And if his counsel we obey, He’ll open wide the door.

I like to listen to the prophet.

He’s here to be my guide.

When he speaks, I feel God near,

And I want Him by my side.

Text: Ruth B. Gatrell

Music: Ruth B. Gatrell

Album: Submitted Music (1992-1997)

Composition Date: 1995

More Info: CMS 1995


Prophets, Guidance, Commandments