I Marvel at the Miracle

I Marvel at the Miracle

Music for Choirs, Submitted Music (1998-2006)

I marvel at the miracle of God’s great love for me.

I try but cannot comprehend and ask how this could be

For I had left behind my God and lost my way throught sin.

Still God loved me and sent His Son to lead me back to Him.


I wearied of my weaknesses and trials filled by days.

I cried out, Lord, my burden’s hard, is there no other way?

 He said, I give men weaknesses and if they come to me

I give them strength to overcome and I will make them free.


I pled with God to shed His grace and take away my sin.

He did, and yet I turned away and stumbled once again.

At last I knelt before His throne and offered Him my soul. 

He wept, then gave it back to me renewed and washed and whole.


I wonder at the grace divine and power to redeem.

That Christ alone could overcome and change eternity.

My thanks cannot sufficient be.  My praise is incomplete.

For all I pay, my debt remains for God’s great gift to me.

Text: John V. Pearson

Music: Janice Kapp Perry

Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Composition Date: 2002

More Info: CMS 2002


Atonement, God's Love, Miracles