I Remember the Savior

I Remember the Savior

Music from the New Era

1. I remember the Savior on this holy day.
I think of his love as I ponder and pray.
Of bread and of water I humbly partake,
Remembering Jesus died for my sake.


2. I think of his hands, nailed and bleeding for me
As he hung, crowned with thorns, in great agony.
“Forgive them,” he prayed, “they know not what they do.”
Oh, Father, grant me a forgiving heart, too.


3. I remember his love and the life that he gave
So willingly, selflessly, mankind to save.
Dear Father, I ask thee to help me each day
Remember my Savior and follow his way.

Text: Laurie Sowby

Music: Laurie Sowby

Artist: Sowby

Album: Music Published in the Church Magazines: New Era

Composition Date: 1983-04-01

More Info: New Era


Sabbath, pray, sacrament, Savior