If Any of You Lack Wisdom

If Any of You Lack Wisdom

Music for Youth, Submitted Music (1998-2006)

There is but one Lord, there is but one faith,

there is but one baptism, and one God.

If there’s but one faith, where can I find this faith! 

Where can I go? How can I know, how can I know?


If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God,

That giveth to all men lib’rally.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God,

Who upbraideth not, and it shall be given, given him.


(above 2 stanzas sung together)


There is but one Lord, but one faith,

there is but one Lord, and one God.

If there’s but one faith, I’ll find this faith,

I’ll ask of God, and it shall be given, I know!


Baritones and Sopranos sing together:

Baritone:  But let him ask in faith, nothing, wavering.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men lib’rally.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, who upbraideth not,

And it shall be given, given him.


Soprano:  There is but one Lord, there is but one faith,

there is but one baptism, one God.

If there’s but one faith, where can I find this faith? 

Where can I go?  How can I know, how can I know?

There is but one Lord, but one faith, there is but one Lord, and one God.

If there’s but one faith, I’ll find this faith, I’ll ask of God, and it shall be given, I know!


Baritones, Sopranos and Descant together:

Baritone:  But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering.

Let him ask in faith, let him ask of God,

let him ask in faith Then he will know!

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God,

That giveth to all men lib’rally.

If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God,

Who upbraideth not, and it shall be given, given him.

I will ask in faith, and it shall be given, I know!


 Soprano:  I will ask in faith, then I will know, then I will know!

There is but one Lord, there is but one faith,

there is but one baptism, one God.

If there’s but one faith, then I will find this faith,

I’ll ask of God, and I will know, yes I will know!

I will ask in faith, and it shall be given, I know!


Descant: There is but one Lord, but one faith,

There is but one Lord, and one God.

If there’s but one faith, I’ll find this faith,

 I’ll ask of God, And it shall be given, I know!

I will ask in faith, and it shall be given, I know!

Text: Craig S. Petrie

Music: Craig S. Petrie

Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Composition Date: 2005

More Info: CMS 2005


Prayer, Faith, Trust