I’ll Give God Forever

I’ll Give God Forever

Savior of the World


I’ve wanted only one thing since I could braid my hair,

When playing with my dolls was just an art. 

And now I can’t dismiss it, or drive it from my heart. 

How can I stop a thing I didn’t start?

I’ll give God forever to make me what I am. 

Give my plans and give my dreams, give up all my fretful schemes.  I’ll give God this moment to fill my soul with cheer. 

I’ll give him forever more, and that will keep him near.


Of course, I‘ve dreamt of drawing the lot one sacred day

And stepping forward straight and square and tall--

I pour the holy incense; the plume goes up to God! 

I’ve known it, seen it, smelled it, felt it all.

I’ll give God forever, but not to do my will. 

Give my plans and give my dreams, Give up all my lofty schemes. 

I’ll give God this moment, and if it’s not to be,

Giving Him forever means I’ll wait and watch and see.

Zacharias and Elisabeth

I’ll give God forever and then give one day more! 

What are plans and what are dreams?  What is what?  Not what it seems!  I’ll give God this moment and let Him lead me on!


I’ll give Him forever more,


Until my hours,


Until my days

Zacharias and Elisabeth

Until my years are gone.



Savior of the World, Christmas, Jesus Christ, faithfulness, hope