In a High and Lonely Hillside

In a High and Lonely Hillside

Music for Choirs, Submitted Music (1998-2006)

In a high and lonely hillside

Lay a treasure of great worth

Which for centuries was hidden

In the safety of the earth

‘Til an angel sent from heaven

Brought this Holy record forth.


As we read its sacred pages

Scenes appear before our view

Of a choice and favored people

Who the gospel’s fullness knew.

And the resurrected Savior

Came and taught his message true.


Thanks we give, O God of Heaven

For a scripture so sublime.

How we love its precious teaching

Telling of thy plan divine.

May we heed its urgent warnings

Written for our Day and time.

Text: Francis Acland

Music: Francis Acland

Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Composition Date: 2001

More Info: CMS 2001


Book of Mormon, Prophets, Restoration