It's Joyful to Live the Gospel

It's Joyful to Live the Gospel

Music for Children, Submitted Music (2012-present)

It’s Joyful to Live the Gospel!


It’s joyful to live the gospel! So joyful I want to sing!

It’s joyful to keep the commandments!

And joyful the peace they bring!

It’s joyful to follow Jesus, our Savior and truest friend,

Who is guiding us with his love back to our home above!

I’ll follow Him with joy!


It’s joyful to share the gospel!

So joyful I want to sing!

It’s joyful to teach the commandments!

And joyful the peace they bring!

It’s joyful to tell of Jesus,

Our Savior and truest friend,

Who is guiding us with his love

Back to our home above!

I’ll follow Him with joy!

Text: Matthew Neeley

Music: Matthew Neeley