Let It Come Quietly
1. Let it come quietly this day, as sifting snow upon the earth.
Let me be quiet, worshiping with all my heart,
remembering my Savior’s birth.
Let there be singing in my heart
and choirs caroling His name, telling His praise like holy angel’s song.
Oh, let His light light up my soul to point me to His holy way,
a star to follow to His love.
2. Let is come quietly, His peace, His deep, abiding, perfect peace.
This Christmas day let us believe with all our hearts,
and let all hate and hurting cease.
Let there be giving, sharing, too.
This is the birth of Christ, our Lord, blessed Redeemer, holy Son of God.
Oh, let His light light up my soul to point me to His holy way,
a star to follow, a star to follow, to follow to His love.
Text: Mabel Gabbott
Music: Michael Moody
Artist: Gabbott/Moody
Album: Music Published in the Church Magazines: New Era
Composition Date: 2000-12-01
More Info: New Era