Life Is O’erflowing with Beautiful Things

Life Is O’erflowing with Beautiful Things

Music for Children

1. Blue skies, mountains, rainbows, fountains:

These are some things I love to see.

Rivers, canyons, pine trees, oceans:

Heavenly Father made them for me.



Life is o’erflowing with beautiful things made by our loving and glorious King

If I but strive to be grateful and true, I can be happy in all that I do.


2. Music, laughter, peace thereafter;

These are some things I love to hear.

Please’s, thank you’s, may I’s, can do’s;

Hearing them fills my heart with good cheer.


3. Silky flowers, cool rain showers:

These are some things I love to feel. 

Promptings, guidance, warm assurance:

That’s how I know the Spirit is real

Text: Thomas Croft

Music: Thomas Croft


beauty, nature, gifts, spirit, Gratitude, kindness