Live Up to Your Privilege

Live Up to Your Privilege

Music for Women, Submitted Music (2012-present)

Our circle of sisters like lace interwoven,

We warm each soul as we would our own kin.

Our heritage passes one heart to another as charity fires the soul from within.


Guarding the hearth we stand true to our natures.

We seek to find heaven mid turmoil and sin,

And build a safe haven of light and protection so all may reach their potential within.


Live up to your privilege oh daughters of Zion!

For ours is a calling both noble and true!

The saving of souls is a work and a blessing where Angels assist us in all that we do!


Feasting upon the words of the Savior

and prayerfully seeking to do what is right,

We’ll don the spiritual robes of beauty that come as a gift when we seek for the light.


Live up to your privilege oh daughters of Zion!

For ours is a calling both noble and true!

The saving of souls is a work and a blessing where Angels assist us in all that we do!


Rejoice in the promise of life everlasting!

In purity live out a joyful refrain,

For power and strength come in contribution so walk with the Lord and with Him you will reign!


Live up to your privilege of daughters of Zion!

For ours is a calling both noble and true!

The saving of souls is a work and a blessing where Angels assist us in all that we do!

The saving of souls is a work and a blessing where Angels assist us in all that we do.

Text: Brooke Snow

Music: Brooke Snow

Album: Submitted Music (2012-present)

Composition Date: 2012

More Info: CMS 2012


Gratitude for Gospel and Heritage