Love Enough

Music for Children, Submitted Music

1. Wise enough to seek the Light

Strong enough to stand for right,

Meek enough to be advised,

Brave enough to be baptized,

Born again as child of God,

Cleansed in Chris’s atoning blood

Christ has love enough for me,

Love enough eternally.


2. Changed enough to choose the Lord,

Staunch enough to keep my word

Full of faith from what I’ve learned,

Clean enough to be confirmed

And receive the Holy Ghost,

Gift of God I need the most

Christ has love enough for me,

Love enough eternally


3. Blessed enough to bear Christ’s name,

Loved enough to feel the shame

When I slip and break my word.

I’ll repent, by sorrow stirred.

Then renew my covenant

As I take the Sacrament.

Christ has love enough for me,

Love enough eternally.

Text: Penelope Moody Allen

Music: Michael F. Moody


Holy Ghost, repentance, sacrament