Mary, Sweet and Tender Maiden (New Era)

Mary, Sweet and Tender Maiden (New Era)

Music from the New Era

Mary, sweet and tender maiden, learned she was to have a Son.

From the angel came the promise she would bear the Holy One.

Mary laid Him in a manger. Joseph beamed in humble awe.

Angels sang His holy advent. Wise men sought Him from afar.

Mary found Him in the temple as He taught the learned men.

Just a boy, but filled with power, grace, and wisdom even then.

Mary saw Him grow to manhood, preaching, healing by the way.

Bringing forth His holy kingdom—dawning of a glorious day.

Mary wept when on the cross they raised her first begotten Son.

In her pain the tears fell freely for the evil they had done.

Soon disciples ran to tell her they had found His empty tomb.

Joyous hope of resurrection now replaced her awful gloom.

In a quiet, upper chamber, Mary knelt and offered prayer.

Her beloved Son gone homeward, how she longed to join Him there.


Sing of Mary; all remember; lovingly we think of her.

Humble Mary, blessed virgin, God’s anointed vessel pure

Text: Don Staheli

Music: Jim Kasen

Artist: Staheli/Kasen

Album: Music Published in the Church Magazines: New Era

Composition Date: 2012-12-09

More Info: New Era


Christmas, angel, Jesus Christ-birth, Mary, Joseph, wise men, motherhood, resurrection, purity