May I Blessed Be

Submitted Hymn Texts, Submitted Music (1998-2006)

When my brother wrongs me, Lord,

If for Thee I’m shamed,

When I scorn another’s fault

Or speak of Thee in vain,

Let my heart be humbled then,

Broken, Lord, for Thee.

With the meek who gain the earth

May I blessed be.


When temptation beckons me,

Hand or eye offend,

When the call of Mammon bids

Me there my treasure spend.

May my eye be single then,

Single unto Thee.

Pure in heart to see Thee, Lord,

May I blessed be.


May I hunger for Thy truth,

Thirst for Spirit’s life,

Seek Thy light and lift it for

A world with evil rife.

When Thy blessed saints rise up,

By Thy death set free,

With a heart become like Thine,

May I come to Thee.

Text: Dale S. Cox

Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Composition Date: 2002

More Info: CMS 2002


Pure in Heart, Blessings, Service