My Savior Can Heal My Soul

My Savior Can Heal My Soul

Music for Children, Submitted Music (2012-present)

When I am sad and I pray for relief,

When I seek peace from above,

I know that Jesus has felt all my grief;

He’ll comfort my heart with His love.


God has given His Son for me;

He came so I could be whole.

And as I follow with faith in Him,

My Savior can heal my soul.


When someone’s hurt me or hasn’t been fair,

When it is hard to forgive,

I can give Jesus my sorrow to bear.

He’ll help me to live as He lived.


God has given His Son for me;

He came so I could be whole.

And as I follow with faith in Him,

My Savior can heal my soul.


When I have sinned and my spirit’s in pain,

When my soul yearns to be free,

I can repent and be happy again,

For Jesus atoned for me.


God has given His Son for me;

He came so I could be whole.

And as I follow with faith in Him,

My Savior can heal my soul.

Text: Robert Cowles

Music: Robert Cowles

Album: Submitted Music (2012-present)

Composition Date: 2013

More Info: CMS 2013


Prayer, Testimony