My Testimony is Growing (Decker)

My Testimony is Growing (Decker)

Music for Children, Submitted Music (1992-1997)

I believe that Heav’nly Father knows me, and He cares,

For when I ask for help, He gives me answers to my prayers.

I believe He loves me, too, because He sent His Son

To die for me so I can live when life on earth is done.



My testimony is growing, as gospel seeds are sown.

My testimony is growing, a witness of my own.


I believe that Joseph Smith was chosen by the Lord

To be the one through whom He could reveal His sacred word.

I believe our prophet knows God’s will for us today,

And we must listen carefully to what he has to say.

Text: Kathryn B. Decker

Music: Kathryn B. Decker

Album: Submitted Music (1992-1997)

Composition Date: 1993

More Info: CMS 1993


Belief, Testimony, Scriptures