Our Duty to God

Music for Choirs, Music for Men, Submitted Music (2012-present)

Hearken all young men, ordained of God;

Rise up and serve the Lord,
And follow in the path He trod

And heed His every word.


With faith and hope and charity,

Abounding in good works.

Humble walk in spotless purity

And for all to God, give thanks.


The Priesthood is the power of God,

He gives us willingly,

To bring all men unto His fold,

To dwell eternally.


We submit ourselves to do His will,

To be worthy of His love.

We sense our duty to fulfill,

We praise our God above.


We love thee Lord, with all our hearts,

We hold the iron rod.

We each obey and do our part,

We fulfill our duty to God.

Text: Boyd Waite

Music: Boyd Waite

Album: Submitted Music (2012-present)

Composition Date: 2013

More Info: CMS 2013


Priesthood Service