Our Petition (Croxall)

Our Petition (Croxall)

Submitted Hymn Texts, Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Hear us Lord, most gracious Father, Captain of all heaven’s host,

For we are moved by testimony witnessed by the Holy Ghost,

Our hearts are filled to over flowing by each message borne in power;

The Holy Spirit swells within us, cleansing us with living fire.


Accept our thanks, most gracious Father, for the counsels heard this day.

Grant us, Father, this petition as in song to Thee we pray:

May we feel Thy Spirit linger, heed each counsel from above,

Live Thy words, and ever ponder Thy eternal grace and love.

Text: Gary Croxall

Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Composition Date: 1999

More Info: CMS 1999


Testimony, Prayer, Holy Ghost