
Music for Women, Submitted Music (2007-2011)

Hearken to the voice of the Lord, oh my daughters.

Hearken and receive of my word. Receive my gospel.

If thou art faithful and walk in paths of virtue,

Thou shalt be received in my kingdom.

Lift up your heart!  Lift up your voice!

Hold fast to my commandments.

Lift up your heart!  Life up your voice!  Be faithful to my word.

You need not despair, for being joyful is a choice.

Lift up your heart!  Lift up your voice!  Rejoice!

Behold, all thy sins are forgiven. All is forgiven.

Murmur not, all is wisdom in me. Seek my wisdom.

Thou shalt be called to comfort and console in the spirit of love and meekness.

Thou needest not fear.

Lay aside all the things of this world and seek for things of a better.

The song of the righteous is heard as a prayer unto me.

My voice is unto you all!  Lift up your heart….

Text: Tamra Braatz

Music: Tamra Braatz

Album: Submitted Music (2007-2011)

Composition Date: 2009

More Info: CMS 2009


Testimony, Obedience, Blessings