Stand as a Witness

Stand as a Witness

Music for Women, Submitted Music (2007-2011)

Stand as a witness for Christ; turn souls from darkness to light.

Bring hope and succor to all that suffer; teach men God’s truth and the right.

Faithfully walk in the ways of the Lord.  Great then shall be thy reward.

Stand as a witness for Christ.  Open men’s eyes to the light.


Thanks be to God for His Son, Jesus, who came to atone.

Great was His mission; high His commission,

I believe this with all of my heart.

Gratefully, honor the Savior of men, He who atoned for our sins.

Stand as a witness for Christ.  Open men’s eyes to the light.


Listen each day to Christ’s voice.  Hearken to Him in each choice.

Go to all people; strengthen the feeble.  Lift your voice as a trump.

Text: Gary L. Croxall

Music: Kathleen Holyoak

Album: Submitted Music (2007-2011)

Composition Date: 2007

More Info: CMS 2007


Witness, Testimony