The Gift of the Holy Ghost (Dickman)

The Gift of the Holy Ghost (Dickman)

Music for Children, Solos to Sing, Submitted Music (1998-2006)

I have a gift from my Father above

That speaks to me gently of His fervent love.

I feel the warmth when I ponder and pray.

I can have guidance to show me the way.


When I was baptized a blessing was said

By the Priesthood holders with hands on my head.

“Receive the Holy Ghost” sounded to clear.

I will stay worthy to feel him near.


When I have choices or answers to find,

The still small voice fills my heart and my mind.

When I am frightened or sad or in need,

I can feel peace when his whisperings I heed.



The Holy Ghost is my constant friend

To comfort and bless me to know what is true;

He teaches me in my mind and my heart

And prompts me to know of the good I should do.

Text: Annette W. Dickman

Music: Annette W. Dickman

Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Composition Date: 2000

More Info: CMS 2000


Gift of Holy Ghost, Testimony, Comforter