The Gift of the Holy Ghost

The Gift of the Holy Ghost

Music from the Friend

1.  I have a great gift from my father above.

This gift helps me know of His mercy and love.

I feel of its warmth when I ponder and pray.

It lightens my path as I seek to obey.



Holy Ghost can be with me each day

To comfort me, bless me, and show me the way.

He teaches me of the things that are true

And prompts me to know of the good I should do.


2. And when I was baptized a blessing was said

By strong priesthood holders with hands on my head.

The gift of the Holy  Ghost, given to me,

Will help me be faithful,

God’s servant to be



3. So when I have choices or answers to find,

The still, quiet voice fills my heart and my mind.

And when I am frightened or sad or in need,

Then I can feel peace when its whisp’rings I heed.


Text: Annette Dickman

Music: Annette Dickman

Artist: Dickman

Album: Music Published in the Church Magazines: Friend

Composition Date: 2012-08-05

More Info: Friend


Holy Ghost, pray, comfort, Priesthood