The Hearts of the Children Have Turned to Their Fathers (Evans)

The Hearts of the Children Have Turned to Their Fathers (Evans)

Music for Choirs, Submitted Music (2012-present)

The hearts of the children have turned to their fathers,

Have turned, have turned, have turned,

Because of the truth they have learned from Elijah.

Have learned, have learned, have learned.

And we as the children can seek out our loves ones,

Preserving their names and their memory,

We can strive to be worthy to kneel in the temple

And bind them to us for eternity.

The hearts of the children have turned to their fathers,

Have turned, have turned, have turned.


The Lord is extending the Saints’ understanding: The veil is beginning to burst.

The knowledge and power of God are expanding,

And angels are visiting the earth.

In many a temple the Saints will assemble

And labor as saviors of ones away.

Then happy reunion and sweetest communion

We’ll have with our friends in that glorious day.


The hearts of the children have turned to their fathers,

Have turned, Have turned, have turned.

The time is far spent; there is little remaining to turn

To turn, to turn, to turn.

The angels are waiting to crown us with blessings,

then turn, then turn, then turn.

We’ll now go up and serve the Lord, Obey his truth and learn his word.

Forever there his ways we’ll tread,

And save ourselves with all our dead.

The hearts of the children have turned to their fathers,

Have turned, have turned, have turned.

Text: Vanja Y. Watkins

Music: Vanja Y. Watkins

Arranged By: T. Chemain Evans

Album: Submitted Music (2012-present)

Composition Date: 2013

More Info: CMS 2013


Spirit of Elijah, Family History, Geneology