The Sabbath Day (Croxall and Holyoak)

The Sabbath Day (Croxall and Holyoak)

Music from the Friend

The Sabbath day is a holy day, a time of worship and rest,

When we can ponder and we can pray and serve the Lord in righteousness.

Remember to keep the Sabbath holy, From all worldly labors cease.

With kindness serve those who stand in need; in God’s service there is peace

2. The Sabbath day is a holy day, a time to feast on God’s word.

The day when we take the sacrament in mem’ry of our Savior, Lord.

Remember to keep the Sabbath holy, From all worldly labors cease.

With kindness serve those who stand in need; in God’s service there is peace

Text: Gary Croxall

Music: Kathleen Holyoak

Artist: Croxall/Holyoak

Album: Music Published in the Church Magazines: Friend

Composition Date: 2012-11-04

More Info: Friend


Sabbath, worship, ponder, rest