The Temple of the Lord

The Temple of the Lord

Music for Children, Submitted Music (1998-2006)

The temple is a sacred place, Someday I will attend.

I’ll dress up in my Sunday best and bring my recommend.

I’ll leave my worldly cares outside and enter rev’rently,

Then dressed in clothes of spotless white I’ll learn God’s plan for me.


The temple is the house of God!  Today I will prepare

to go and learn of Jesus Christ and feel His presence there.

I’ll do the work for kindred dead, I’ll build my fam’ly tree,

And ev’ry ordinance performed Will last eternally.


The temple is a place of peace, of safety and of love

where I can pray and contemplate my blessings from above.

So I will keep my covenants and live by Jesus’ words,

And someday I will go inside the temple of the Lord!

Text: Rachel Mecham Goates

Music: Rachel Mecham Goates

Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Composition Date: 2002

More Info: CMS 2002


Temple, Family History, Blessings