The Water and the Bread
Music for Choirs, Submitted Music (1998-2006)
The Son of God, who came to face the Garden and the Hill,
Sought not himself to glorify, but others’ hunger again
For those who thirst, He fills their cup with living water pure,
To feed their souls and save them from the famine of their sin.
“I am the bread of life,” He said; the bread that comes from heaven.
Who eats this bread will never die nor ever hunger again
For those who thirst, He fills their cup with living water pure,
A well of water springing up, that they might thirst no more.
The tokens of the sacrament, the water and the bread
Remind us of his sacrifice the price the Savior paid.
And as the water and the bread provide food here on earth,
Christ’ flesh and blood bring forth the sweet fruit of Eternal Life.
Text: C. E. Ott
Music: C. E. Ott
Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)
Composition Date: 2001
More Info: CMS 2001