They Will Not Doubt Their Mothers Knew

They Will Not Doubt Their Mothers Knew

Music for Choirs, Solos to Sing, Submitted Music (2007-2011)

The warm earth smelled of sun and rain

As mother held their tiny hands.

They watched as Father took his sword

And buried it beneath the land.

Then he went off, unarmed, to war

And gave his life to keep his oath;

Yet wrapped in Mother’s peace and love,

The children’s grief grew bright with hope.


They did not doubt their mother knew

That all the things she taught were true;

Each sacrifice she freely made,

Each choice to stand in a holy place

Confirmed with ev’ry living breath

The truths more dear than life or death.

They did not doubt what the Lord could do;

They did not doubt their mother knew.


The sun found silver in her hair

As years went by and children grew.

They worked the fields and gathered grace

As Mother taught them daily truths.

The day came when her son, grown tall,

Took up the sword for liberty;

Thus armed with Mother’s faith and prayer,

He fought and feared no enemy.


He did not doubt his mother knew

That all the things she taught were true;

Each sacrifice she freely made,

Each choice to stand in a holy place

Confirmed with ev’ry living breath

The truths more dear than life or death.

He did not doubt what the Lord could do;

He did not doubt his mother knew.


In quiet moments, day to day,

A woman teaches without words.

The way of life and truth revealed

To guide the children’s path on earth.

Thus when our children’s time has come

To stand and fight for what is true

In strength and radiance they’ll arise.

To meet the work they’re called to do.


They will not doubt their mothers knew

That all the things we taught were true;

Each sacrifice we freely make,

Each choice to stand in a holy place

Confirms with ev’ry living breath

The truths more dear than life or death.

They will not doubt what the Lord can do;

They will not doubt their mothers knew.

Text: Toni Thomas

Music: Margo Edgeworth

Album: Submitted Music (2007-2011)

Composition Date: 2011

More Info: CMS 2011


Obedience, Faith, Trust