
Seminary Music: Old Testament

1. Today is the day I will turn my heart,

Today is the day I will do my part.

And `though the Lord’s coming may be some time away,

I’ll prepare  myself, Share my love, Live my life.

As if he were coming today.



When the time comes to meet Him.

I will be worthy to greet Him,

I will live by teachings and walk by his side,

As a Savior and a friend.

This is the day I will do His will

And let His love in my life distill.

And `though the Lord’s coming may be some time away,

I’ll prepare myself, share my love, Live my life

As if He were coming today


2. Today is the day I will learn His will

And let His hope in my heart distill.

I’ll wait for His coming without any dismay;

And prepare myself, Share my love, Live my life

As if He were coming to day.

Text: Steven K. Jones

Music: Sam Cardon

Arranged By: Sam Cardon

Artist: Liz Draper


preparation, service, second coming, Jesus Christ