We Belong

Music for Women, Submitted Music (2007-2011)

A young mom with two small children; A grandma kind and wise;
Another not yet married, all of varied shape and size.
There are women with large families, there are those living alone.
Some who must be in the work place, some who work all day at home.
And though we differ in a million other ways, we are the same,
when we remember what the Savior says.
For was belong to something glorious and grand and we belong
where righteous women take a stand against the wrong, spreading the light,

Defending truth, teaching what’s right in ev’ry land
And we belong

Threads in a tapestry of lace, fragile but strong
Crocheted by wisdom and his grace so when we find out task complete
we have the hope that we will meet and kneel to kiss the Savior’s feet
and hear Him say, “Here you belong.”
We’re devoted to our Savior, Seek the Spirit as we should
We strengthen homes and fam’lies and find joy in womanhood.
We delight in serving others. Life long learning is our love.
As we stand for truth we thus sustain the priesthood from above.
In Temple blessings we rejoice and come to see
that as we strive for exaltation it’s out destiny
to know that we belong.
Sometimes we stumble or we fall.
And feel we don’t fit in at all
But love can bridge an ocean wide
and there are millions on your side to tell you,
You belong to something glorious and grand and you belong
where righteous women take a stand against the wrong
spreading the light, defending truth
teaching what’s right in ev’ry land
And you belong thread in a tapestry of lace fragile but strong
Crocheted by wisdom and His grace.
And when you find your task complete, cling to the hope that you will meet
and kneel to kiss the Savior’s feet and hear him say, “Here you belong.”
One in strength, one in light.
One in faith, One in Christ. We belong.

Text: Ann Bailey

Music: Ann Bailey

Album: Submitted Music (2007-2011)

Composition Date: 2011

More Info: CMS 2011


Motherhood, Leadership, Strength