We Testify (Switzler)

We Testify (Switzler)

Submitted Hymn Texts, Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Have you not seen?

The handiwork of Christ is all around.

Every sunrise, birth or blossom,

Wherever it is found,

Reveals His Face … We Testify


Did you not hear?

The symphony of Christ in the air/

All the music sent to guide us,

When we kneel down in prayer,

Reveals His Voice … We testify


Can you not feel?

The tenderness of Christ is in each heart.

Every loving act of kindness,

Of which we are a part,

Reveals His Touch … We Testify


We testify.

We’ve seen and heard and felt our Savior near

So we boldly raise our voices,

For all the world to hear …

Christ is the King … His praise we sing.

We Testify!

Text: Al Switzler

Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Composition Date: 1999

More Info: CMS 1999


Creator, Jesus Christ, Testimony