We will Gather All Our Family

We will Gather All Our Family

Submitted Hymn Texts, Submitted Music (1998-2006)

We will gather all our family,

As if gath’ring at Thy feet,

And together grow to know Thee

For Thy Holy word we’ll read.

As we listen to Thy teachings

In the quiet of our homes,

May we feel the whispered reachings

Of Thy spirit touch our souls.


Every doctrine holds a duty;

Every truth defines a task.

Wilt thou strengthen us to study

In our homes we humble ask.


May the doctrine of the kingdom

Bless our souls with light and peace.

Fill our hearts with understanding,

May the love we feel increase

Free our homes of each contention,

Free our lives of each despair;

Free our minds and hearts to listen

In our pond’ring, in our prayer.

Every doctrine holds a duty;

Every truth defines a task.

Wilt Thou strengthen us to study

In our homes we humble ask.


Then, as daily we press forward,

Working, learning, serving here,

May we hold Thy Name, we’ve honored

In our cov’nnts, always dear.

May the power of Thy doctrine

Wield a power in our lives,

And become a living fountain,

As our hearts to Thee arise.


Every doctrine holds a duty;

Every truth defines a task.

Wilt Thou strengthen us to study

In our homes we humbly ask.

Text: Karol L. Corey

Album: Submitted Music (1998-2006)

Composition Date: 2001

More Info: CMS 2001


Family, Truth, Doctrine