We Will Serve the Lord (Cameron)

We Will Serve the Lord (Cameron)

Submitted Hymn Texts, Submitted Music (1992-1997)

O God of love who giveth life

What shall we give to Thee?

Thy wealth is all the universe

Thy time, eternity


Take Thou, O God, our hands to serve

Our mouths to sing Thee praise

Our humble hearts in gratitude

For all thy holy ways


The worth of souls is great to Thee

Thy sacrifice has shown

That all Thou hast is but for us

That we may be Thy own


The little ones who come to us

So pure as heaven’s dew

Give us the chance to be like Thee

More than all else could do


Our home, a refuge from the world

A place to fill our cup

A fortress from a world of sin

Where truth will lift us up


A place to serve in faithfulness

Each day that life affords

With charity we will endure

And always serve the Lord


Yes, as for me and for my house

We will serve the Lord

Yes, We will serve the Lord

Text: Winifred Raw Rose Cameron

Album: Submitted Music (1992-1997)

Composition Date: 1995

More Info: CMS 1995


Missionary Work, Faithfulness, Charity